
more info Viola rostrata, n.
violet of eastern North America having lilac-purple flowers with a long slender spur

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more info Viola striata, n.
leafy-stemmed violet of eastern North America having large white or creamy flowers faintly marked with purple

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more info Viola sylvatica, n.
common European violet that grows in woods and hedgerows

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more info Viola tricolor, n.
a common and long cultivated European herb from which most common garden pansies are derived

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more info Viola tricolor hortensis, n.
large-flowered garden plant derived chiefly from the wild pansy of Europe and having velvety petals of various colors
<noun.plant>   freq. cnt.: 19 freq. cnt.: 19

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more info Violaceae, n.
a family of order Parietales including the genera Viola, Hybanthus, Hymenanthera, Melicytus

more info Viorna baldwinii, n.
erect clematis of Florida having pink to purple flowers

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more info Vioxx, n.
a Cox-2 inhibitor (trade name Vioxx) that relieves pain and inflammation without harming the digestive tract; voluntarily withdrawn from the market in 2004

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more info Vipera, n.
type genus of the Viperidae

more info Vipera aspis, n.
of southern Europe; similar to but smaller than the adder

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more info Vipera berus, n.
small terrestrial viper common in northern Eurasia

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more info Viperidae, n.
more info Viracept, n.
a protease inhibitor (trade name Viracept) used in treating HIV usually in combination with other drugs

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more info Viramune, n.
a non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (trade name Viramune) used to treat AIDS and HIV

more info Virazole, n.
an inhaled antiviral agent (trade name Virazole) that may be used to treat serious virus infections

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more info Virchow, n.
German pathologist who recognized that all cells come from cells by binary fission and who emphasized cellular abnormalities in disease (1821-1902)

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more info Vireo olivaceous, n.
of northern North America having red irises and an olive-grey body with white underparts

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more info Vireo solitarius, n.
of eastern North America having a bluish-grey head and mostly green body

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more info Vireo solitarius solitarius, n.
common vireo of northeastern North America with bluish slaty-grey head

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more info Vireonidae, n.
small insectivorous American songbirds

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more info Virgil, n.
a Roman poet; author of the epic poem `Aeneid' (70-19 BC)

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more info Virgil Garnett Thomson, n.
United States composer who collaborated with Gertrude Stein (1896-1989)

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more info Virgil Thomson, n.
United States composer who collaborated with Gertrude Stein (1896-1989)

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more info Virgilia, n.
genus of South African trees having pinnate leaves and rose-purple flowers followed by leathery pods

more info Virgilia capensis, n.
tree with odd-pinnate leaves and racemes of fragrant pink to purple flowers

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more info Virgilia divaricata, n.
fast-growing roundheaded tree with fragrant white to deep rose flowers; planted as an ornamental

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more info Virgilia oroboides, n.
tree with odd-pinnate leaves and racemes of fragrant pink to purple flowers

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more info Virgin, n.
the sixth sign of the zodiac; the sun is in this sign from about August 23 to September 22

(astrology) a person who is born while the sun is in Virgo

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more info Virgin Birth, n.
the theological doctrine that Jesus Christ had no human father; Christians believe that Jesus's birth fulfilled Old Testament prophecies and was attended by miracles; the Nativity is celebrated at Christmas

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more info Virgin Islands, n.
a group of islands in northeastern West Indies (east of Puerto Rico) discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1493; owned by United States and Britain