
more info myotic drug, n.
a drug that causes miosis (constriction of the pupil of the eye)

semantic pointers
more info myotomy, n.
surgical incision or division of a muscle

more info myotonia, n.
abnormally long muscular contractions; slow relaxation of a muscle after a contraction

lexical pointers
derivationally related form
more info myotonia atrophica, n.
a severe form of muscular dystrophy marked by generalized weakness and muscular wasting that affects the face and feet and hands and neck; difficult speech and difficulty with the hands that spreads to the arms and shoulders and legs and hips; the onset can be any time from birth to middle age and the progression is slow; inheritance is autosomal dominant

semantic pointers
more info myotonia congenita, n.
a mild, rare, congenital form of myotonia characterized by muscle stiffness

semantic pointers
more info myotonic, adj.
of or relating to or caused by myotonia

lexical pointers
derivationally related form
derived from/pertains to
more info myotonic dystrophy, n.
a severe form of muscular dystrophy marked by generalized weakness and muscular wasting that affects the face and feet and hands and neck; difficult speech and difficulty with the hands that spreads to the arms and shoulders and legs and hips; the onset can be any time from birth to middle age and the progression is slow; inheritance is autosomal dominant

semantic pointers
more info myotonic muscular dystrophy, n.
a severe form of muscular dystrophy marked by generalized weakness and muscular wasting that affects the face and feet and hands and neck; difficult speech and difficulty with the hands that spreads to the arms and shoulders and legs and hips; the onset can be any time from birth to middle age and the progression is slow; inheritance is autosomal dominant

semantic pointers
more info myriad, adj.
freq. cnt. 3
too numerous to be counted
<adj.all>   freq. cnt.: 11 freq. cnt.: 5 freq. cnt.: 3 freq. cnt.: 1 freq. cnt.: 1 freq. cnt.: 1

sample sentences

"countless hours"
"an infinite number of reasons"
"innumerable difficulties"
"the multitudinous seas"
"myriad stars"
lexical pointers
derivationally related form
lexical pointers
derivationally related form
lexical pointers
derivationally related form
lexical pointers
derivationally related form
lexical pointers
derivationally related form
semantic pointers
similar to
more info myriad, n.
freq. cnt. 1
a large indefinite number
<noun.quantity>   freq. cnt.: 1 freq. cnt.: 1

sample sentences

"he faced a myriad of details"
lexical pointers
derivationally related form
the cardinal number that is the product of ten and one thousand
<noun.quantity>   freq. cnt.: 8 freq. cnt.: 8

semantic pointers
more info myriagram, n.
one ten thousandth of a centner

semantic pointers
part meronym
part holonym
more info myriameter, n.
a metric unit of length equal to 10,000 meters

lexical pointers
domain of synset (region)
semantic pointers
part meronym
more info myriametre, n.
a metric unit of length equal to 10,000 meters

lexical pointers
domain of synset (region)
semantic pointers
part meronym
more info myriapod, n.
general term for any terrestrial arthropod having an elongated body composed of many similar segments: e.g. centipedes and millipedes

semantic pointers
more info myringa, n.
the membrane in the ear that vibrates to sound

semantic pointers
part holonym
part meronym
more info myringectomy, n.
surgical removal of the eardrum

more info myringoplasty, n.
surgical repair of a perforated eardrum with a tissue graft

more info myringotomy, n.
surgical incision into the eardrum (to relieve pressure or release pus from the middle ear)

more info myristic acid, n.
a saturated fatty acid occurring naturally in animal and vegetable fats

semantic pointers
more info myrmecophagous, adj.
feeding on ants

sample sentences

"myrmecophagous squirrel"
semantic pointers
similar to
more info myrmecophile, n.
an organism such as an insect that habitually shares the nest of a species of ant

semantic pointers
more info myrmecophilous, adj.
living symbiotically with ants

semantic pointers
similar to
domain of synset (topic)
more info myrmecophyte, n.
plant that affords shelter or food to ants that live in symbiotic relations with it

lexical pointers
derivationally related form
semantic pointers
more info myrmecophytic, adj.
of or relating to myrmecophytes

lexical pointers
derivationally related form
derived from/pertains to
semantic pointers
domain of synset (topic)
more info myrmidon, n.
a follower who carries out orders without question

semantic pointers
more info myrobalan, n.
small Asiatic tree bearing edible red or yellow fruit

semantic pointers
more info myrobalan plum, n.
small Asiatic tree bearing edible red or yellow fruit

semantic pointers
more info myrrh, n.
aromatic resin that is burned as incense and used in perfume

semantic pointers
substance holonym
more info myrrh tree, n.
tree of eastern Africa and Asia yielding myrrh

semantic pointers
member holonym
substance meronym
more info myrsine family, n.
family of Old World tropical trees and shrubs; some in Florida