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low straggling evergreen shrub of western Europe represented by several varieties with flowers from white to rose-purple
Connemara heath |
Daboecia cantabrica |
St. Dabeoc's heath |
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Australian kingfisher having a loud cackling cry
Dacelo gigas |
kookaburra |
laughing jackass |
a concentration camp for Jews created by the Nazis near Munich in southern Germany
Dachau |
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low-growing to prostrate shrub with slender trailing branches; New Zealand
Dacridium laxifolius |
Lepidothamnus laxifolius |
mountain rimu |
evergreen coniferous shrubs or trees of New Zealand to Malaysia and Philippines
Dacrycarpus |
genus Dacrycarpus |
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New Zealand evergreen valued for its light easily worked wood
Dacrycarpus dacrydioides |
New Zealand Dacryberry |
New Zealand white pine |
Podocarpus dacrydioides |
kahikatea |
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New Zealand shrub
Dacrydium bidwilli |
Halocarpus bidwilli |
New Zealand mountain pine |
tar-wood |
tarwood |
New Zealand silver pine of conical habit with long slender flexuous branches; adapted to cold wet summers and high altitudes
Dacrydium colensoi |
tar-wood |
tarwood |
Tasmanian timber tree with yellow aromatic wavy-grained wood used for carving and ship building; sometimes placed in genus Dacrydium
Dacrydium franklinii |
Lagarostrobus franklinii |
huon pine |
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type genus of the Dacrymycetaceae: fungi with a bifurcate basidium that lacks septa
Dacrymyces |
genus Dacrymyces |
a family of basidiomycetous fungi belonging to the order Tremellales having a bifurcate basidium that lacks septa
Dacrymycetaceae |
family Dacrymycetaceae |
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a monocotyledonous grass of the family Gramineae (has only one species)
Dactylis |
genus Dactylis |
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widely grown stout Old World hay and pasture grass
Dactylis glomerata |
cocksfoot |
cockspur |
orchard grass |
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a creeping grass with spikes like fingers
Dactyloctenium aegypticum |
Egyptian grass |
crowfoot grass |
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Mexican red scale insect that feeds on cacti; the source of a red dye
Dactylopius coccus |
cochineal |
cochineal insect |
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genus of terrestrial orchids of Europe and Asia and North Africa
Dactylorhiza |
genus Dactylorhiza |
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European orchid having lanceolate leaves spotted purple and pink to white or mauve flowers spotted or lined deep red or purple
Dactylorhiza fuchsii |
Dactylorhiza maculata fuchsii |
common spotted orchid |
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