Haldol, n.
tranquilizer (trade name Haldol) used to treat some psychotic disorders and Tourette's syndrome
lexical pointers
domain of synset (usage)
semantic pointers
Hale, n.
prolific United States writer (1822-1909)
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instance hypernym
United States astronomer who discovered that sunspots are associated with strong magnetic fields (1868-1938)
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instance hypernym
a soldier of the American Revolution who was hanged as a spy by the British; his last words were supposed to have been `I only regret that I have but one life to give for my country' (1755-1776)
semantic pointers
instance hypernym
Haleakala National Park, n.
a national park in Hawaii including a dormant volcano
semantic pointers
instance hypernym
part holonym
Halenia, n.
genus of herbs of Eurasia and the Americas: spurred gentians
semantic pointers
member holonym
member meronym
Halesia, n.
deciduous small trees or shrubs of China and eastern North America
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member holonym
member meronym
Halesia carolina, n.
medium-sized tree of West Virginia to Florida and Texas
semantic pointers
Halesia tetraptera, n.
medium-sized tree of West Virginia to Florida and Texas
semantic pointers
Halevy, n.
French operatic composer (1799-1862)
semantic pointers
instance hypernym
Haley, n.
United States writer and Afro-American who wrote a fictionalized account of tracing his family roots back to Africa (1921-1992)
semantic pointers
instance hypernym
United States rock singer who was one of the first to popularize rock'n'roll music (1925-1981)
semantic pointers
instance hypernym
Haliaeetus, n.
a genus of Accipitridae
semantic pointers
member holonym
member meronym
Haliaeetus leucocephalus, n.
a large eagle of North America that has a white head and dark wings and body
semantic pointers
member holonym
Haliaeetus leucorhyphus, n.
of southeast Europe and central Asia
semantic pointers
Haliaeetus pelagicus, n.
found on coasts of the northwestern Pacific
semantic pointers
Haliatus albicilla, n.
bulky greyish-brown eagle with a short wedge-shaped white tail; of Europe and Greenland
semantic pointers
Halicarnassus, n.
an ancient Greek city on the southwestern coast of Asia Minor in what is now Turkey; site of the mausoleum at Halicarnassus
semantic pointers
instance hypernym
part holonym
Halicoeres, n.
a genus of Labridae
semantic pointers
member holonym
member meronym
Halicoeres bivittatus, n.
small wrasse of tropical Atlantic
semantic pointers
member holonym
Halicoeres radiatus, n.
bluish and bronze wrasse; found from Florida keys to Brazil
semantic pointers
member holonym
Halictidae, n.
a family of small solitary bees; many are valuable pollinators for agriculture
semantic pointers
member holonym
member meronym
Halifax, n.
provincial capital and largest city of Nova Scotia
semantic pointers
instance hypernym
part holonym
Halimodendron, n.
one species: salt tree
semantic pointers
member holonym
member meronym
Halimodendron argenteum, n.
spiny shrub of the Caspian salt plains and Siberia having elegant silvery, downy young foliage and mildly fragrant pink-purple blooms
semantic pointers
member holonym
Halimodendron halodendron, n.
spiny shrub of the Caspian salt plains and Siberia having elegant silvery, downy young foliage and mildly fragrant pink-purple blooms
semantic pointers
member holonym
Haliotidae, n.
semantic pointers
member holonym
member meronym
Haliotis, n.
type genus of the family Haliotidae
semantic pointers
member holonym
member meronym
Haliotis tuberculata, n.
an abalone found near the Channel Islands
semantic pointers
Hall, n.
United States astronomer who discovered Phobos and Deimos (the two satellites of Mars) (1829-1907)
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instance hypernym
United States explorer who led three expeditions to the Arctic (1821-1871)
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instance hypernym
United States chemist who developed an economical method of producing aluminum from bauxite (1863-1914)
semantic pointers
instance hypernym
United States child psychologist whose theories of child psychology strongly influenced educational psychology (1844-1924)
semantic pointers
instance hypernym
English writer whose novel about a lesbian relationship was banned in Britain for many years (1883-1943)
semantic pointers
instance hypernym
Hall of Fame, n.
a building containing trophies honoring famous people
semantic pointers
instance hyponym
Hall's honeysuckle, n.
a variety of Japanese honeysuckle that grows like a vine; established as an aggressive escape in southeastern United States
semantic pointers
member holonym
Halle, n.
a city in the Saxony region of Germany on the Saale River; a member of the Hanseatic League during the 13th and 14th centuries
semantic pointers
member holonym
instance hypernym
part holonym