

cover with liquid; pour liquid onto
<verb.change>   freq. cnt.: 2 freq. cnt.: 1 freq. cnt.: 1

sample sentences

"souse water on his hot face"

verb frames

Somebody ----s something
Something ----s somebody
Something ----s something
They %s the cloth with water and alcohol

verb frames

Somebody ----s something
Something ----s somebody
Something ----s something

verb frames

Somebody ----s something
Something ----s somebody
Something ----s something
They %s the cloth with water and alcohol

verb frames

Somebody ----s something
Something ----s somebody
Something ----s something
They %s the cloth with water and alcohol

verb frames

Somebody ----s something
Something ----s somebody
Something ----s something
They %s the cloth with water and alcohol

verb frames

Somebody ----s something
Something ----s somebody
Something ----s something
lexical pointers
derivationally related form
lexical pointers
derivationally related form
semantic pointers