

collect in one place
<verb.social>   freq. cnt.: 34 freq. cnt.: 14 freq. cnt.: 13 freq. cnt.: 7

sample sentences

"We assembled in the church basement"
"Let's gather in the dining room"

verb frames

Somebody ----s
Somebody ----s PP
The crowds %s in the streets

verb frames

Somebody ----s
Somebody ----s PP
The crowds %s in the streets

verb frames

Somebody ----s
Somebody ----s PP

verb frames

Somebody ----s
Somebody ----s PP
The crowds %s in the streets

verb frames

Somebody ----s
Somebody ----s PP
The crowds %s in the streets
lexical pointers
derivationally related form
lexical pointers
derivationally related form
lexical pointers
derivationally related form
semantic pointers
verb group