

have the quality of being; (copula, used with an adjective or a predicate noun)
<verb.stative>   freq. cnt.: 10,742 freq. cnt.: 10,742

sample sentences

"John is rich"
"This is not a good answer"

verb frames

Something is ----ing PP
Something ----s Adjective/Noun
Somebody ----s Adjective
Somebody ----s something
Somebody ----s somebody
Somebody ----s PP
John will %s angry
semantic pointers
look suffer, hurt be well suffer feel remain, stay, rest continue sparkle, scintillate, coruscate confuse, confound, befuddle, throw, fox, fuddle, bedevil, discombobulate rank point need, want, require compact, pack rest cut seethe, boil mope, moon around, moon about seem, look, appear seem, appear owe belong cover represent account cut across begin, start begin stand define, specify, delimit, delineate, delimitate go make sense, add up comprise, consist prove, turn out, turn up account for remain stand by, stick by, stick, adhere hang around, linger, loiter, tarry, lurk, mill about, lounge, footle, lollygag, loaf, lallygag, mess about, mill around total, number, amount, come, add up matter, count, weigh rate deserve, merit buy shine fall depend underlie behoove, behove stink suck, blow subtend, delimit embody, incarnate, body forth, substantiate hold, contain, take cost, be measure buzz, hum, seethe abound disagree, disaccord, discord gape, yawn, yaw tend, incline, lean, run, be given run, go figure, enter press rage relate, interrelate rut stagnate stagnate come in handy squat hoodoo impend range, run remain, stay, stay on, continue sell translate head, head up come in for compare fall, come run into, encounter gravitate pay diverge shine iridesce lie stand hang litter suit end, terminate fit lend let go belong belong wind, curve, twist jumble, mingle promise accept, take clean draw wash balance come, hail act test seem answer beat hold count contain connect sell sell kill make deck, adorn, decorate, grace, embellish, beautify consist work lubricate breathe trim swing osculate retard transplant cohere object stick recognize distribute put out bake, broil swim, drown swim belong