usually aromatic shrubs or herbs of north temperate regions and South Africa and western South America: wormwood; sagebrush; mugwort; tarragon
genus Artemisia |
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semantic pointers
member holonym
member meronym
southernwood, Artemisia abrotanum
common wormwood, absinthe, old man, lad's love, Artemisia absinthium
sweet wormwood, Artemisia annua
California sagebrush, California sage, Artemisia californica
field wormwood, Artemisia campestris
sand sage, silvery wormwood, Artemisia filifolia
wormwood sage, prairie sagewort, Artemisia frigida
Roman wormwood, Artemis pontica
bud brush, bud sagebrush, Artemis spinescens
dusty miller, beach wormwood, old woman, Artemisia stelleriana