

view as, v.
freq. cnt. 13
more info keep in mind or convey as a conviction or view
<verb.cognition>   freq. cnt.: 48 freq. cnt.: 20 freq. cnt.: 13 freq. cnt.: 13 freq. cnt.: 2

deem hold take for view as

sample sentences

"take for granted"
"view as important"
"hold these truths to be self-evident"
"I hold him personally responsible"

verb frames

Something ----s something Adjective/Noun
Somebody ----s somebody something
Somebody ----s that CLAUSE

verb frames

Something ----s something Adjective/Noun
Somebody ----s somebody something
Somebody ----s that CLAUSE

verb frames

Something ----s something Adjective/Noun
Somebody ----s somebody something
Somebody ----s that CLAUSE

verb frames

Something ----s something Adjective/Noun
Somebody ----s somebody something
Somebody ----s that CLAUSE
semantic pointers
verb group