

collect, v.
(collected, collecting, collects)
freq. cnt. 53
more info get or gather together
<verb.possession>   freq. cnt.: 23 freq. cnt.: 16 freq. cnt.: 4 freq. cnt.: 3

accumulate amass collect compile hoard pile up roll up

sample sentences

"I am accumulating evidence for the man's unfaithfulness to his wife"
"She is amassing a lot of data for her thesis"
"She rolled up a small fortune"

verb frames

Somebody ----s something
The crowds %s in the streets

verb frames

Somebody ----s something
They %s the money in the closet

verb frames

Somebody ----s something

verb frames

Somebody ----s something

verb frames

Somebody ----s something
They %s the money in the closet

verb frames

Somebody ----s something
They %s the money in the closet

verb frames

Somebody ----s something
They %s the money in the closet
lexical pointers
derivationally related form
lexical pointers
derivationally related form
lexical pointers
derivationally related form
semantic pointers
more info call for and obtain payment of
<verb.possession>   freq. cnt.: 16 freq. cnt.: 15 freq. cnt.: 1

collect take in

sample sentences

"we collected over a million dollars in outstanding debts"
"he collected the rent"

verb frames

Somebody ----s something
Somebody ----s something from somebody

verb frames

Somebody ----s something
Somebody ----s something from somebody
lexical pointers
derivationally related form
semantic pointers
more info assemble or get together
<verb.contact>   freq. cnt.: 36 freq. cnt.: 23 freq. cnt.: 12 freq. cnt.: 1

collect garner gather pull together

sample sentences

"gather some stones"
"pull your thoughts together"

verb frames

Somebody ----s something
Somebody ----s somebody
Something ----s something

verb frames

Somebody ----s something
Somebody ----s somebody
Something ----s something

verb frames

Somebody ----s something
Somebody ----s somebody
Something ----s something

verb frames

Somebody ----s something
Somebody ----s somebody
Something ----s something
lexical pointers
derivationally related form
also see
lexical pointers
derivationally related form
semantic pointers
more info get or bring together
<verb.contact>   freq. cnt.: 8 freq. cnt.: 8

collect pull in

sample sentences

"accumulate evidence"

verb frames

Somebody ----s something
Something ----s something

verb frames

Somebody ----s something
Something ----s something
lexical pointers
derivationally related form
semantic pointers
more info gather or collect
<verb.possession>   freq. cnt.: 8 freq. cnt.: 5 freq. cnt.: 2 freq. cnt.: 1

call for collect gather up pick up

sample sentences

"You can get the results on Monday"
"She picked up the children at the day care center"
"They pick up our trash twice a week"

verb frames

Somebody ----s something
Somebody ----s somebody

verb frames

Somebody ----s something
Somebody ----s somebody

verb frames

Somebody ----s something
Somebody ----s somebody

verb frames

Somebody ----s something
Somebody ----s somebody
lexical pointers
derivationally related form
semantic pointers