gyrate, v.
(gyrated, gyrates, gyrating)
freq. cnt. 1
(gyrated, gyrates, gyrating)
freq. cnt. 1

<verb.motion> freq. cnt.: 5 freq. cnt.: 2 freq. cnt.: 2 freq. cnt.: 1
coil gyrate spiral
sample sentences
"the muscles and nerves of his fine drawn body were coiling for action""black smoke coiling up into the sky"
"the young people gyrated on the dance floor"
verb frames
Something ----sSomething is ----ing PP
verb frames
Something ----sSomething is ----ing PP
verb frames
Something ----sSomething is ----ing PP
lexical pointers
derivationally related form
semantic pointers

<verb.motion> freq. cnt.: 16 freq. cnt.: 11 freq. cnt.: 3 freq. cnt.: 1 freq. cnt.: 1
gyrate reel spin spin around whirl
sample sentences
"The dervishes whirl around and around without getting dizzy"verb frames
Something is ----ing PPSomebody ----s something
Somebody ----s PP
The coins %s
These balls %s easily
verb frames
Something is ----ing PPSomebody ----s something
Somebody ----s PP
verb frames
Something is ----ing PPSomebody ----s something
Somebody ----s PP
verb frames
Something is ----ing PPSomebody ----s something
Somebody ----s PP
verb frames
Something is ----ing PPSomebody ----s something
Somebody ----s PP