

wound, n.
freq. cnt. 24
more info an injury to living tissue (especially an injury involving a cut or break in the skin)
<noun.state>   freq. cnt.: 22 freq. cnt.: 22

lesion wound
more info a casualty to military personnel resulting from combat
<noun.event>   freq. cnt.: 2 freq. cnt.: 2

combat injury injury wound
lexical pointers
derivationally related form
semantic pointers
domain of synset (topic)
more info the act of inflicting a wound

wound wounding
lexical pointers
derivationally related form
lexical pointers
derivationally related form
semantic pointers
more info a figurative injury (to your feelings or pride)


sample sentences

"he feared that mentioning it might reopen the wound"
"deep in her breast lives the silent wound"
"The right reader of a good poem can tell the moment it strikes him that he has taken an immortal wound--that he will never get over it"--Robert Frost
semantic pointers