World War 2, n.

Second World War World War 2 World War II
semantic pointers
instance hypernym
part meronym
Bataan, Corregidor
Battle of Britain
Battle of the Ardennes Bulge, Battle of the Bulge, Ardennes counteroffensive
Bismarck Sea, battle of the Bismarck Sea
Coral Sea, battle of the Coral Sea
Dunkirk, Dunkerque
El Alamein, Al Alamayn, Battle of El Alamein
Guadalcanal, Battle of Guadalcanal
Iwo, Iwo Jima, invasion of Iwo
Leyte, Leyte Island, Leyte invasion
Midway, Battle of Midway
Okinawa, Okinawa campaign
Philippine Sea, battle of the Philippine Sea
Somme, Somme River, Battle of the Somme
Tarawa, Makin, Tarawa-Makin
Battle of Wake, Battle of Wake Island
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