general, adj.
freq. cnt. 91
freq. cnt. 91

<adj.all> freq. cnt.: 87 freq. cnt.: 87
sample sentences
"the general public""general assistance"
"a general rule"
"in general terms"
"comprehensible to the general reader"
semantic pointers
also see
similar to
sample sentences
"general studies""general knowledge"
lexical pointers
derivationally related form
semantic pointers
similar to

<adj.all> freq. cnt.: 21 freq. cnt.: 21
cosmopolitan ecumenical general oecumenical universal world-wide worldwide
sample sentences
"an issue of cosmopolitan import""the shrewdest political and ecumenical comment of our time"- Christopher Morley
"universal experience"
lexical pointers
derivationally related form
semantic pointers
similar to
sample sentences
"a general anesthetic""general symptoms"
sample sentences
"bearing a general resemblance to the original""a general description of the merchandise"
semantic pointers
similar to