rate, n.
freq. cnt. 108
freq. cnt. 108
sample sentences
"they traveled at a rate of 55 miles per hour""the rate of change was faster than expected"
semantic pointers
rate of attrition, attrition rate
birthrate, birth rate, fertility, fertility rate, natality
bits per second, bps
crime rate
data rate
deathrate, death rate, mortality, mortality rate, fatality rate
dose rate
erythrocyte sedimentation rate, ESR, sedimentation rate, sed rate
flow, flow rate, rate of flow
frequency, frequence, oftenness
gigahertz, GHz, gigacycle per second, gigacycle, Gc
rate of growth, growth rate
cps, cycle, hertz, Hz, cycle per second, cycles/second
inflation rate, rate of inflation
kc, kilohertz, kHz, kilocycle per second, kilocycle
kilometers per hour, kilometres per hour, kph, km/h
megahertz, MHz, megacycle per second, megacycle, Mc
terahertz, THz
metabolic rate
miles per hour, mph
pace, gait
heart rate, pulse, pulse rate
rate of return
respiratory rate, rate of respiration
rpm, revolutions per minute, rev
sampling rate
solar constant
speed, velocity
tempo, pace
words per minute, wpm

<noun.possession> freq. cnt.: 39 freq. cnt.: 39
charge per unit rate
sample sentences
"a 10-minute phone call at that rate would cost $5"
semantic pointers
rate of pay, pay rate
payment rate, rate of payment, repayment rate, installment rate
tax rate
interest rate, rate of interest
freight, freightage, freight rate
rate of depreciation, depreciation rate
rate of exchange, exchange rate
excursion rate
linage, lineage
room rate

<noun.attribute> freq. cnt.: 5 freq. cnt.: 4 freq. cnt.: 1
pace rate
sample sentences
"he lived at a fast pace""he works at a great rate"
"the pace of events accelerated"

sample sentences
"the literacy rate""the retention rate"
"the dropout rate"
semantic pointers