Republic of Turkey, n.
a Eurasian republic in Asia Minor and the Balkans; on the collapse of the Ottoman Empire in 1918, the Young Turks, led by Kemal Ataturk, established a republic in 1923
Republic of Turkey Turkey
Republic of Turkey Turkey
semantic pointers
member of this domain (region)
Dardanelles, Dardanelles campaign
Aga, Agha
bulgur, bulghur, bulgur wheat
Islamic Great Eastern Raiders-Front, IBDA-C
Jerusalem Warriors
Kurdistan Workers Party, Kurdistan Labor Pary, Partiya Karkeran Kurdistan, PPK
Revolutionary People's Liberation Party, Revolutionary People's Liberation Front
Turkish Hizballah
member holonym
instance hypernym
part holonym
part meronym
Edirne, Adrianople, Adrianopolis
Adana, Seyhan
Ankara, Turkish capital, capital of Turkey, Angora
Antalya, Adalia
Antioch, Antakya, Antakiya
Dardanelles, Canakkale Bogazi, Hellespont
Istanbul, Stambul, Stamboul, Constantinople
Bursa, Brusa
Izmir, Smyrna
Aegospotami, Aegospotamos
Ararat, Mount Ararat, Mt. Ararat
Aras, Araxes
Euphrates, Euphrates River
Seyhan, Seyhan River
Tigris, Tigris River
member meronym