hold, v.
(held, holding, holds)
freq. cnt. 345
(held, holding, holds)
freq. cnt. 345

<verb.stative> freq. cnt.: 326 freq. cnt.: 206 freq. cnt.: 79 freq. cnt.: 41
hold keep maintain
sample sentences
"hold in place""She always held herself as a lady"
"The students keep me on my toes"
verb frames
Something ----s something Adjective/NounSomebody ----s somebody PP
Somebody ----s something PP
verb frames
Something ----s something Adjective/NounSomebody ----s somebody PP
Somebody ----s something PP
verb frames
Something ----s something Adjective/NounSomebody ----s somebody PP
Somebody ----s something PP
lexical pointers
derivationally related form
semantic pointers

<verb.contact> freq. cnt.: 67 freq. cnt.: 65 freq. cnt.: 2
hold take hold
sample sentences
"Hold this bowl for a moment, please""A crazy idea took hold of him"
verb frames
Somebody ----s somethingSomebody ----s somebody
Something ----s somebody
Something ----s something
They want to %s the prisoners
verb frames
Somebody ----sSomething is ----ing PP
Somebody ----s something
Somebody ----s somebody
Something ----s somebody
Something ----s something
Somebody ----s PP
semantic pointers

<verb.creation> freq. cnt.: 124 freq. cnt.: 62 freq. cnt.: 30 freq. cnt.: 29 freq. cnt.: 2 freq. cnt.: 1
give have hold make throw
sample sentences
"hold a reception""have, throw, or make a party"
"give a course"
verb frames
Somebody ----s somethingverb frames
Somebody ----s somethingverb frames
Somebody ----s somethingverb frames
Somebody ----s somethingverb frames
Somebody ----s something
semantic pointers

<verb.possession> freq. cnt.: 1,244 freq. cnt.: 1,202 freq. cnt.: 26 freq. cnt.: 16
have have got hold
sample sentences
"She has $1,000 in the bank""He has got two beautiful daughters"
"She holds a Master's degree from Harvard"
verb frames
Somebody ----s somethingSomebody ----s somebody
Something ----s something
They %s the money
verb frames
Somebody ----s somethingSomebody ----s somebody
Something ----s something
verb frames
Somebody ----s somethingSomebody ----s somebody
Something ----s something
They %s the money
lexical pointers
derivationally related form
lexical pointers
derivationally related form
semantic pointers
maintain, keep, sustain
keep, hold on
keep, maintain
monopolize, monopolise
exert, maintain, wield
stock, carry, stockpile
hold, bear
verb group

<verb.cognition> freq. cnt.: 48 freq. cnt.: 20 freq. cnt.: 13 freq. cnt.: 13 freq. cnt.: 2
deem hold take for view as
sample sentences
"take for granted""view as important"
"hold these truths to be self-evident"
"I hold him personally responsible"
verb frames
Something ----s something Adjective/NounSomebody ----s somebody something
Somebody ----s that CLAUSE
verb frames
Something ----s something Adjective/NounSomebody ----s somebody something
Somebody ----s that CLAUSE
verb frames
Something ----s something Adjective/NounSomebody ----s somebody something
Somebody ----s that CLAUSE
verb frames
Something ----s something Adjective/NounSomebody ----s somebody something
Somebody ----s that CLAUSE

<verb.contact> freq. cnt.: 18 freq. cnt.: 17 freq. cnt.: 1
confine constrain hold restrain
sample sentences
"This holds the local until the express passengers change trains""About a dozen animals were held inside the stockade"
"The illegal immigrants were held at a detention center"
"The terrorists held the journalists for ransom"
verb frames
Somebody ----s somethingSomebody ----s somebody
Something ----s somebody
Something ----s something
verb frames
Somebody ----s somethingSomebody ----s somebody
Something ----s somebody
Something ----s something
They want to %s the prisoners
verb frames
Somebody ----s somethingSomebody ----s somebody
Something ----s somebody
Something ----s something
They want to %s the prisoners
lexical pointers
derivationally related form
semantic pointers

<verb.emotion> freq. cnt.: 22 freq. cnt.: 17 freq. cnt.: 4 freq. cnt.: 1
entertain harbor harbour hold nurse
sample sentences
"bear a grudge""entertain interesting notions"
"harbor a resentment"
verb frames
Somebody ----s somethingverb frames
Somebody ----s somethingverb frames
Somebody ----s somethingverb frames
Somebody ----s somethingverb frames
Somebody ----s something
semantic pointers

<verb.possession> freq. cnt.: 15 freq. cnt.: 14 freq. cnt.: 1
hold hold back keep back retain
sample sentences
"The landlord retained the security deposit""I reserve the right to disagree"
verb frames
Somebody ----s somethingThey %s the money
verb frames
Somebody ----s somethingverb frames
Somebody ----s somethingThey %s the money
verb frames
Somebody ----s somethingThey %s the money
lexical pointers
derivationally related form
lexical pointers
derivationally related form

<verb.contact> freq. cnt.: 28 freq. cnt.: 14 freq. cnt.: 9 freq. cnt.: 4 freq. cnt.: 1
hold hold up support sustain
sample sentences
"The beam holds up the roof""He supported me with one hand while I balanced on the beam"
"What's holding that mirror?"
verb frames
Somebody ----s somethingSomebody ----s somebody
Something ----s somebody
Something ----s something
verb frames
Somebody ----s somethingSomebody ----s somebody
Something ----s somebody
Something ----s something
verb frames
Somebody ----s somethingSomebody ----s somebody
Something ----s somebody
Something ----s something
verb frames
Somebody ----s somethingSomebody ----s somebody
Something ----s somebody
Something ----s something
lexical pointers
derivationally related form
lexical pointers
derivationally related form

<verb.possession> freq. cnt.: 9 freq. cnt.: 9
bear hold
sample sentences
"She bears the title of Duchess""He held the governorship for almost a decade"
verb frames
Somebody ----s somethingverb frames
Somebody ----s something
lexical pointers
derivationally related form
lexical pointers
derivationally related form
semantic pointers

<verb.stative> freq. cnt.: 49 freq. cnt.: 34 freq. cnt.: 7 freq. cnt.: 4 freq. cnt.: 4
bear carry contain hold
sample sentences
"The jar carries wine""The canteen holds fresh water"
"This can contains water"
verb frames
Something ----s somethingverb frames
Something ----s somethingverb frames
Something ----s somethingverb frames
Something ----s something
lexical pointers
derivationally related form
lexical pointers
derivationally related form
semantic pointers
verb group

<verb.contact> freq. cnt.: 8 freq. cnt.: 5 freq. cnt.: 3
bear carry hold
sample sentences
"She holds her head high""He carried himself upright"
verb frames
Somebody ----s somethingverb frames
Somebody ----s somethingverb frames
Somebody ----s something
semantic pointers
sample sentences
"The weather held""They held on the road and kept marching"
verb frames
Something ----sSomebody ----s PP
semantic pointers

<verb.stative> freq. cnt.: 5 freq. cnt.: 3 freq. cnt.: 2
accommodate admit hold
sample sentences
"This hotel can accommodate 250 guests""The theater admits 300 people"
"The auditorium can't hold more than 500 people"
verb frames
Something ----s somebodySomething ----s something
verb frames
Something ----s somebodySomething ----s something
verb frames
Something ----s somebodySomething ----s something
lexical pointers
derivationally related form
sample sentences
"Rousseau's philosophy holds that people are inherently good"verb frames
Somebody ----s that CLAUSEThey %s that there was a traffic accident
semantic pointers
verb group

<verb.stative> freq. cnt.: 8 freq. cnt.: 5 freq. cnt.: 2 freq. cnt.: 1
hold obtain prevail
sample sentences
"This theory still holds"verb frames
Something ----sverb frames
Something ----sverb frames
Something ----s
semantic pointers
sample sentences
"I hold to these ideas"verb frames
Somebody ----s somethingSomebody ----s PP
semantic pointers
sample sentences
"The soprano held the audience""This story held our interest"
"She can hold an audience spellbound"
verb frames
Somebody ----s somebodySomething ----s something
lexical pointers
derivationally related form

<verb.communication> freq. cnt.: 3 freq. cnt.: 1 freq. cnt.: 1 freq. cnt.: 1
bind hold obligate oblige
sample sentences
"He's held by a contract""I'll hold you by your promise"
verb frames
Somebody ----s somebodySomething ----s somebody
Somebody ----s somebody to INFINITIVE
verb frames
Somebody ----s somebodySomething ----s somebody
Somebody ----s somebody to INFINITIVE
verb frames
Somebody ----s somebodySomething ----s somebody
Somebody ----s somebody to INFINITIVE
verb frames
Somebody ----s somebodySomething ----s somebody
Somebody ----s somebody to INFINITIVE
lexical pointers
derivationally related form
lexical pointers
derivationally related form
lexical pointers
derivationally related form

<verb.competition> freq. cnt.: 6 freq. cnt.: 3 freq. cnt.: 2 freq. cnt.: 1
defend guard hold
sample sentences
"Hold that position behind the trees!""Hold the bridge against the enemy's attacks"
verb frames
Somebody ----s somethingverb frames
Somebody ----s somethingverb frames
Somebody ----s something
lexical pointers
derivationally related form

<verb.social> freq. cnt.: 2 freq. cnt.: 1 freq. cnt.: 1
book hold reserve
sample sentences
"reserve me a seat on a flight""The agent booked tickets to the show for the whole family"
"please hold a table at Maxim's"
verb frames
Somebody ----s somethingverb frames
Somebody ----s somethingverb frames
Somebody ----s something
lexical pointers
derivationally related form
semantic pointers
verb group
sample sentences
"This box won't take all the items""The flask holds one gallon"
verb frames
Something ----s somethingverb frames
Something ----s somethingverb frames
Something ----s something
lexical pointers
derivationally related form
sample sentences
"The novel holds many surprises""The book holds in store much valuable advise"
verb frames
Something ----s something
semantic pointers
sample sentences
"hold your breath"verb frames
Somebody ----s something
semantic pointers

<verb.communication> freq. cnt.: 67 freq. cnt.: 62 freq. cnt.: 5
agree concord concur hold
sample sentences
"We agreed on the terms of the settlement""I can't agree with you!"
"I hold with those who say life is sacred"
"Both philosophers concord on this point"
verb frames
Somebody ----sSomebody ----s on something
Somebody ----s that CLAUSE
Somebody ----s to INFINITIVE
Sam and Sue %s
Sam wants to %s with Sue
verb frames
Somebody ----sSomebody ----s on something
Somebody ----s that CLAUSE
Somebody ----s to INFINITIVE
Sam and Sue %s
Sam wants to %s with Sue
verb frames
Somebody ----sSomebody ----s on something
Somebody ----s that CLAUSE
Somebody ----s to INFINITIVE
verb frames
Somebody ----sSomebody ----s on something
Somebody ----s that CLAUSE
Somebody ----s to INFINITIVE
lexical pointers
derivationally related form
lexical pointers
derivationally related form
semantic pointers
settle, reconcile, patch up, make up, conciliate
see eye to eye
concede, grant, yield
support, subscribe
resolve, conclude
arrange, fix up
verb group
sample sentences
"She was declared incompetent""judge held that the defendant was innocent"
verb frames
Something ----s something Adjective/NounSomebody ----s somebody something
verb frames
Something ----s something Adjective/NounSomebody ----s somebody something
verb frames
Something ----s something Adjective/NounSomebody ----s somebody something
lexical pointers
derivationally related form
sample sentences
"Hold the fire extinguisher directly on the flames"verb frames
Somebody ----s somebody PP
semantic pointers
sample sentences
"He can hold his liquor""he had drunk more than he could carry"
verb frames
Somebody ----s somethingverb frames
Somebody ----s something
semantic pointers
sample sentences
"She held her ears when the jackhammer started to operate""hold one's nose"
verb frames
Somebody ----s something
semantic pointers
sample sentences
"Halt the engines""Arrest the progress"
"halt the presses"
verb frames
Somebody ----s somethingSomebody ----s somebody
Something ----s somebody
Something ----s something
They %s the animals
verb frames
Somebody ----s somethingSomebody ----s somebody
Something ----s somebody
Something ----s something
They %s the animals
verb frames
Somebody ----s somethingSomebody ----s somebody
Something ----s somebody
Something ----s something
lexical pointers
derivationally related form
lexical pointers
derivationally related form
semantic pointers
sample sentences
"The dissatisfied students held the President's office for almost a week"verb frames
Somebody ----s somebodysample sentences
"Hold the taxi""Hold the horse"
verb frames
Somebody ----s somethingSomebody ----s somebody
semantic pointers

<verb.social> freq. cnt.: 30 freq. cnt.: 20 freq. cnt.: 5 freq. cnt.: 2 freq. cnt.: 2 freq. cnt.: 1
check contain control curb hold hold in moderate
sample sentences
"moderate your alcohol intake""hold your tongue"
"hold your temper"
"control your anger"
verb frames
Somebody ----s somethingSomething ----s something
verb frames
Somebody ----s somethingSomething ----s something
verb frames
Somebody ----s somethingSomething ----s something
verb frames
Somebody ----s somethingSomething ----s something
verb frames
Somebody ----s somethingSomething ----s something
verb frames
Somebody ----s somethingSomething ----s something
verb frames
Somebody ----s somethingSomething ----s something
lexical pointers
derivationally related form
lexical pointers
derivationally related form
lexical pointers
derivationally related form
lexical pointers
derivationally related form
semantic pointers
sample sentences
"hold all calls to the President's office while he is in a meeting"verb frames
Something ----s something
lexical pointers
derivationally related form
semantic pointers

<verb.stative> freq. cnt.: 30 freq. cnt.: 29 freq. cnt.: 1
apply go for hold
sample sentences
"The same laws apply to you!""This theory holds for all irrational numbers"
"The same rules go for everyone"
verb frames
Something ----sSomething is ----ing PP
verb frames
Something ----sSomething is ----ing PP
Something ----s somebody
Something ----s something
verb frames
Something ----sSomething is ----ing PP
lexical pointers
derivationally related form
semantic pointers
verb group

<verb.stative> freq. cnt.: 15 freq. cnt.: 9 freq. cnt.: 6
defy hold hold up withstand
sample sentences
"The politician defied public opinion""The new material withstands even the greatest wear and tear"
"The bridge held"
verb frames
Somebody ----s somethingSomething ----s something
verb frames
Somebody ----s somethingSomething ----s something
verb frames
Somebody ----s somethingSomething ----s something
verb frames
Somebody ----s somethingSomething ----s something
lexical pointers
derivationally related form
lexical pointers
derivationally related form
semantic pointers